Sunday, April 10, 2011

AMP It Up! Bringing Excitement To Your Act!

There's an old saying in show business:

"Just don't be boring."

Just because the saying is old, doesn't mean that it doesn't apply today.  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  Think about all the sources of entertainment available to us today: TV, Movies, Internet, IPods, IPads, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, Netflix, even good old fashioned reading is making a comeback on Kindle!

Each of these devices still offer more and varied bits of entertainment competing for our attention: Cable shows, Action Movies, YouTube, Music, Apps, Games, Endless Movies... even this Blog!

So how does any bit capture market share over the others?

By not being boring!

Fox News, 3D Movies, Chocolate Rain, Lady Gaga, Angry Birds, Halo, Movies on Demand.. and this Blog! are all offering the consumer not just content but exciting content. 

Your ACT should do the same.

And it can!


By performing exaggerated ACT OUTS.

These are the examples of the PUNCH LINES to your JOKES.

Think about it: You've gotten the AUDIENCE on board with your THEME.  Your CHARACTER is spot on.  You SET UP your JOKE and hit with a funny PUNCH LINE.  You have painted a heck of a picture for your AUDIENCE.  Now is the time to bring it home and ACT OUT that SCENE.

This is probably the hardest part for a COMIC. It can involve mimicking, acting, voice inflection and most importantly: TIMING.

Remember the bigger the ACT OUT the funnier it will be.  The funnier it is, the more LAUGHS you will get.

And at the very least, you will not be... boring.