Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Laughs: Getting A Good Return On Investment?

What is the main goal of any STAND-UP COMIC'S Performance?

If you said: "To get LAUGHS", you are right.

Yet many COMICS proceed like the main goal is to talk or maybe, to be heard.

True, to get LAUGHS you must talk.  But the idea here is to have more LAUGHING going on during your SET than to be talking. 

Believe it or not, it would be a wonderful thing if you spent one minute of talking and received four minutes of laughing from that one minute. 

Think of it as a Return on Investment.

You are investing your time and talent into crafting a JOKE and you want to get a good return on that.  Right?

So when you are crafting your JOKES you should always be asking yourself this question:

"Which words can I cut out of this JOKE yet still make it work?" or rather, "What are the least amount of words I can use to make my JOKE?"

This will allow more laughter to fill your SET, either by allowing good JOKES more time for laughter or, if you've got a dud, allowing you to move on to another JOKE.

Start by pairing out the useless words that try to get everyone on the same page by developing your THEME.  Once there, stay there as long as you can.  Make several JOKES about the same TOPIC.

And last but not least, always remember that the goal is to get LAUGHS

Sometimes less is more.